About the Exchange
The Builders Exchange of Lansing & Central Michigan is a construction association that has been serving the commercial construction industry since 1945. Our membership has expanded to include general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and professional organizations involved in the construction industry. Today, the Exchange assists over 800 member companies with their construction related needs.
Purpose of the Builders Exchange
- To promote the welfare of the construction industry.
- To assure the community we serve that skill, integrity and responsibility are prerequisites for being a member.
- To promote better relations between members of the Exchange and the public they serve.
- To foster good will and encourage ethical conduct among members and promote cooperation between members for the betterment of the industry.
- To maintain a communication network with other groups, associations and professional societies that exist or are formed for the same purpose.
- To provide the facilities for concerted action on questions of general concern to the construction industry.
- To afford interchange of ideas between members of the organization.
Board of Directors - 2025
President Ken Granger
DSI Acoustical Company
1301 East Miller Road, Lansing, MI 48911
Ph: 517.318.3998 Fx: 517.318.4559
email: kengranger@dsiacoustical.com
Vice President Nathan Chapman
David Chapman Agency
5700 W. Mt. Hope, Lansing, MI 48909
Ph: 517.321.4600 Fx: 517.321.9443
email: nchapman@davidchapmanagency.com
Treasurer Jeff Tuley
Granger Construction Company
6267 Aurelius Road, Lansing, MI 48911
Ph: 517.393.1670 Fx: 517.393.1382
email: jtuley@grangerconstruction.com
Past President John Carlson
Walker Commercial Interiors
2121 University Pk Dr. 140, Okemos, MI 48864
Ph: 517.347.8445 Fx: 517.347.8365
email: jcarlson@walkercomminteriors.com
Ralph Reagan
Aaron Glass Co., Inc.
2421 North Larch Street, Lansing, MI 48906
Ph: 517.487.3739 Fx: 517.487.1464
email: ralph.aaronglass@gmail.com
Tim Sherman
Standard Electric Company
733 North Larch Street, Lansing, MI 48906
Ph: 517.487.3232 Fx: 517.487.0064
email: tim.sherman@standardelectricco.com
Andrew France
The Christman Company
208 N. Capitol Ave, 4th Flr, Lansing, MI 48933
Ph: 517.4821488 Fx: 517.4823520
email: andrew.france@christmanco.com
Rowland Cornish
F.D. Hayes Electric Co.
2301 Beal Ave., Lansing, MI 48910
Ph: 517.482.0608
email: rcornish@fdhayes.com
Christopher Lowe
Douglas Steel Fabrication Corp.
1312 S. Waverly Road, Lansing, MI 48917
Ph: 517.819.6460 Fx: 517.322.0050
email: clowe@douglassteel.com
Dave Clark L.D. Clark Company 7707 Rickle Street, Lansing, MI 48917
Ph: 517.322.0370 Fx: 517.322.2289
email: dclark@ldclarkcompanies.com
Jack Lennemann
John E. Green Company
345 W. Lake Lansing Road, E. Lansing, MI 48823
Ph: 517.224.4000 Fx: 517.244.4004
email: jacklennemann@johnegreen.com
Heath Colley
Sunbelt Rentals
14485 Old US 27, Dewitt, MI 48820
Ph: 517.487.3055 Fx: 517.487.3057
email: heath.colley@sunbeltrentals.com